Achilleas Kentonis & Maria Papacharalambous

Mental Para-Dice works as a catalyst of reflection and discovery. Itʼs about a poetic, critical, aesthetic, philosophical and scientific stroll within space and time. Through play and adventure it aims to retrieve hidden knowledge and forgotten truths (αλήθειες), bringing relationships, communication, creation, even politics to a purely energetic level. A nano-university as the alma matter of knowledge: Where the awakening of mind and soul leads to “miracles”.
“To develop a complete mind: Study the Science of Art.
Study the Art of Science. Learn how to see.
Realize that everything connects to everything else”.
– Leonardo da Vinci
Implementation of 3D animation: Babis Venetopoulos
Achilleas Kentonis studied Engineering, Physics and Fine Arts at University of South Alabama, USA, and at Universidad de Castilla la Mancha, Spain.
As a researcher / scientist he participated in research programs at NASA, the Cyprus University and the Aegean University.
As a researcher / artist he presents papers in conferences and scientific journals, related to electromagnetics, geopathic stress, new electro-acoustic musical instruments, on perpetual, telekinesis, social and philosophical issues.
Maria Papacharalambous graduated with distinction from the School of Fine Arts in Athens. She continued post graduate studies at Faculdad de Bellas Artes, Universidad Complutence in Madrid and at Universidad de Castilla la Mancha, Cuenca, Spain. She also completed her studies in Athens National Conservatory.
As a researcher, she is focusing on philosophy and alternative psychology, blending it with art, creating socio-artistic and activistic work / projects and presenting them in galleries, alternative spaces, conferences and academic institutions.
As visual artists Kentonis and Papacharalambous had solo exhibitions and collaborated in different disciplines of artistic projects. They were selected separately and/or together and represented Cyprus in different European and international salons/exhibitions, such as Biennales and Triennales, in the fields of painting, photography, engraving, architecture, stage and costume design, installation, video art, short films (experimental, animation and documentary). In addition, they organized or participated in various international cultural events, symposiums, conferences, seminars and lectures. They realized urban interventions / actions, online projects, geopolitical art, international projects, artistic publications. They realized 17 theatre plays (stage and costume design) and realized more than 35 short films and videos. Sometimes they perform together as BINARY ART GROUP. They received distinctions and awards for different kind of creation.