55. International Art Exhibition – la Biennale di Venezia 2013 (first official participation)
Portable Nation: Disappearance as Work in Progress – Approaches to Ecological Romanticism

The Project
The history of artistic aesthetics of the Maldives is not widely documented, the archipelago is not known for its visual arts activities but rather for its most central aesthetical themes such as supreme beauty of the ocean, ecology and environment. CPS intends to treat the culture and nature of Maldives as our central subject, marking its importance through its ecology, and what it would mean for the islands to disappear.
Through inviting artists and contributors to donate their powerful visual and intellectual abilities to the Maldives pavilion, our intention is to provide a meaningful experience and breadth of knowledge about the concept of Contemporary Environmental Romanticism in relation to the nature and culture of the Maldives.
Consequently, we are looking for an unusual treatment of the Maldives Pavilion, something in the direction of how Contemporary Environmental Romanticism underlines the interpretation of nature as a source of aesthetic experience. From this experience, the eco-activism projects will also return their investment by donating funds to environmental causes.
Combining our curatorial team of three appointed curators and commissioners, we wish to partially capitalize on their diverse cultural identities from Europe and the Middle East suggesting the overlap of international cultures that coexist on this paradise island. On the one hand Western thoughts concerning nature has been marked by dualism, the notion of the opposition of nature and culture. On the other hand Eastern thoughts consider nature a guide and source of intellectual and spiritual inspiration, because in the Eastern thoughts the natural world simply “is” the law, and human activities are adjusted according to its mechanisms. The collaboration we wish to capture is to prove the duality between art/culture and its inter-dependencies with environmental causes. Only through such activities are we able to regulate interests into ways of sustainably developing positive impacts that will help avoid negative impacts on our own cultural ecologies. By bringing awareness to the activities happening in the Maldives, we wish to break away from allowing such losses of land to happen in this advanced digital age. Observation is what converts possibility into reality.
HIGHLIGHTED ART WORKS AND EVENTS are described in the long press release.
Ministry of Tourism, Arts & Culture
CPS – Chamber of Public Secrets (Alfredo Cramerotti, Aida Eltorie, Khaled Ramadan).
In collaboration with the Gervasuti Foundation (hosting Venue)
Maren Richter, Camilla Boemio
Stine Hoxbroe, Galia Kirilova, Dorian Batycka, Hanna Husberg, Laura McLean, Kalliopi Tsipni-Kolaza, Dana Kopel
Henry Meyric Hughes, Hedwig Fijen
The Danish Arts Council, Mookai Suites,mooinc, The Allam Foundation, bm: ukk – Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, The Arts and Culture, Kultur Steiermark-Department Culture, Europe, Foreign Relations, Pro Helvetia Swiss Arts Council, 6 Contemporary Arts, Material Fonds, HIVOS: People United, Ayyam Projects, The School of Art and College of Fine Art – University of Arizona, Art Sawa Gallery Dubai, Olympus Cinema Male, Imad Agency Photo Archive, The Maldives National Museum, Meyer Sound and CITRIS, Contemporary Practices Art Journal, Transart Institute New York, Horcynus Orca Foundation Messina.
Mohamed Adam, The Maldives National University, Yasmine Allam, Omar Donia, Olympus Cinema, Male, Imad Agency Photo Archive, The Maldives National Museum, Meyer Sound, Martina Corgnati, Michael Fadel.
Mohamed Ali, Sama Alshaibi, Ursula Biemann, Stefano Cagol, Wael Darwesh, Moomin Fouad, Thierry Geoffrey (aka Colonel), Khaled Hafez, Heidrun Holzfeind & Christoph Draeger, Hanna Husberg, Laura McLean & Kalliopi Tsipni-Kolaza, Achilleas Kentonis & Maria Papacaharalambous, Paul Miller (aka DJ Spooky), Gregory Niemeyer, Khaled Ramadan, Oliver Ressler, Klaus Schafler, Patrizio Travagli, Wooloo.
Mark Dahl, Ehsan Fardjadniya, Shani Leiderman, Celeste Pimm, Oliver Ressler, Marian Tubbs.
Gervasuti Foundation
Via Garibaldi
Fondamenta Sant’Anna
Castello 995
30122 Venezia
Facebook: /PortableNationMaldivesVenice
Twitter: @maldivespavilio
Chamber of Public Secrets:
Tel: +456 169 20 29